nbsp; of China which are engaged in production or infrastructure construction, and the total amount of the investor's actually paid-in capital contribution to the registered capital thereof exceeding US $ 30 million.
(2) In case the investment company is to be established in the form of an Chinese-foreign equity joint venture, the Chinese investor shall have good creditability and the economic strength necessary for the establishment of such company, and the total amount of the Chinese investor's assets shall not be less than RMB100 million. And (3)the registered capital of the investment company being not be less than US $ 30 million.
Article 3
To apply for the establishment of an investment company, the investor shall submit the following documents to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as "MOFTEC") for examination and approval after the examination and consent obtained from the foreign trade and economic cooperation authorities of the related province, autonomous region, municipalities directly under the Central Government or the municipalities specifically listed in the State economic plan in which the investment company is to be located:
(1) If an investment company is to be established in the form of an equity joint venture: the project proposal for the establishment of the investment company, and the feasibility study, contract and articles of association signed jointly by the parties to the investment company; or
If an investment company is to be established in the form of a wholly foreign-owned enterprise: the project proposal, the wholly foreign-own
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