verning foreign investment and these Regulations.
Article 1
For the purpose of these Regulations, the term "Investment Company "means a company that is engaged in direct investment and established by foreign investors in China in the form of either a wholly foreign owned enterprise or an equity joint venture with Chinese investors. The investment company shall take the form of a limited liability company.
Article 2
To apply for approval to establish an investment company, the following conditions shall be fulfilled:
(a) the foreign investor having a good credit and the economic strength necessary for the establishment of an investment company; the total amount of the investor's assets during the year preceding the application being no be less than US $ 400 million, and the investor having already established foreign-invested enterprise (s) within the territory of China; and the amount of the investor's actually paid-in
capital contribution to the registered capital thereof exceeding US $ 10 million. Furthermore, more than three project proposals of the investor's intended investment projects have been approved; or
(b) the foreign investor having a good credit and the economic strength necessary for the establishment of an investment company; the investor have already established more than 10 foreign-invested enterprises in the people's Republic&
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