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http://fortune.intopet.com 日期:2006-11-19 来源:banzhao.com 作者:办照网 阅读:
tion of general goods: As described in No. 5 of Notes for Catalogue of Restricted Industries of the Attachment


10 Accounting and auditing: In cooperation with Chinese partner and in the form of partnership only.


II. Notes for Catalogue of Restricted Industries:


1.Cross-border automobile transportation companies: Foreign majority ownership will be permitted no later than Dec. 11. 2002. Wholly foreign owned enterprises will be permitted no later than Dec. 11,2004.


2.Water transportation companies.: The proportion of foreign investment shall not exceed 49%.


3.Rail freight transportation companies: The proportion of foreign investment shall not exceed 49%. Foreign majority ownership will he permitted no later than Dec. 11. 2004. Wholly foreign owned enterprises will be permitted no later than Dec, 11. 2007.


4.Telecommunication Companies


(1)Value-added services and paging services in basic telecommunication services: Foreign investments are permitted no later than Dec. 11, 2001 with the proportion of foreign investment not exceeding 30%. The proportion of foreign investment in joint venture shall not exceed 49% no later than Dec. 11. 2002, and shall be allowed to reach 50% no later than Dec. 11, 2003.


(2)Mobile voice and data services in basic telecommunication services; Foreign investments are permitted no later than Dec. 11, 2001 with the proportion of foreign investment not exceeding 25%. The proportion of foreign investment in joint venture shall not exceed 35%

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