(2)Hydropower plant equipment: manufacture of large pump-storage power units of 150,000kW and over, large tubular turbine units of 150,000KW or over (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only)
(3)Nuclear-power plant equipment: manufacture of power units of 600,000KW or over (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only)
(4)Power transmitting and transforming equipment: manufacture of super high-voltage DC power transmitting and transforming equipment of 500 KW or over (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only)
20.Electronic and Telecommunications Industries
(1)Manufacture of digital television, digital video camera, digital record player, digital sound-playing equipment
(2)Manufacture of new type plate displays, medium and high resolution color kinescope and glass shielding
(3)Manufacture of devices, such as key optic engine, light source, projection screen, high resolution projection tube and LCOS module used in large screen color projection display
(4)Manufacture of digital audio and visual coding or decoding equipment, digital broadcasting TV studio equipment, digital cable TV system equipment, digital audio broadcast transmission equipment
(5)Design of integrated circuit and production of large scale integrated circuit with a line width of 0.35 micron or smaller
(6)Manufacture of medium- and large-sized computers, portable microcomputers, high-grade server
(7)Development and manufacture of drivers of high capacity compact disk and
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